Saturday 2 February 2019

Sew 10 Minutes

For the month of February, Nat from SewforLife_perth is running a challenge, called Sew 10 Minutes a day.  The idea being that with our busy lives, by sewing for 10 minutes a day, we will achieve things - slowly yes, but rather than projects sitting there waiting for a free day or the next weekend, or holiday, we attack them in bite size pieces.

Linda nudged me along to join up, and I decided it was the perfect opportunity to finish making blocks for my Carolina Chain quilt and get it to a finished quilt top stage and also a dress I would like to have for summer use.

Yesterday I rummaged around on my messy cutting table and found the three blocks I had cut out about a three weeks ago and sewed them up.  then realising I only needed to make another three before I can sew them altogether, I cut those out too.  This morning before I went to work I sewed them up.  Literally 10 - 15 minutes work.

Thirty six blocks are now  ready to  be sewn together,  so I figure one row a day for the next six days, then I'll get really industrious and sew all the rows together in one sitting.  That dress is really wanting to be sewn.


  1. It can make all the difference in our busy lives. That's how I do 'spring' cleaning, a bit here and there gets stuff done, if I made a day for it, it would never happen, I would be sewing or quilting instead ;-)

  2. it does make a big difference so many so they can never get done with quilting - I tell them if they sit at their quilting hoop and do 15 minutes a day it will eventually get done - instead of a year a quilt sitting in a hoop can be moved space to space and you will get done!

  3. That is really pretty. That s how I get my quilts sewn - just a few minutes a day.

  4. It is very pretty! Glad to see you back sewing again!

  5. It's amazing what you can get done it 10 minutes! The trouble for me would to pull myself away from my machine once the ten minutes was up!

  6. Well done on your achievement Julielou. The blocks are really nice, and will make a lovely quilt.

  7. Lovely blocks. It's surprising how such a few minutes every day can add up to something nice. This will be a happy quilt!

  8. Beautiful progress and inspiration.
    Thanks for sharing. I enjoy seeing your work.

  9. Growing nicely Julie, just goes to show what a little time set aside each day can achieve.


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