For the last couple of years my sister Janine (who lives in Australia) and I have done a Christmas Swap. We have always tried to make at least some of the swap consist of handmade items, something edible, Christmas fabric, a decoration and a Christmas themed magazine. This year we had 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' as our theme, with the provisio that gift number 1 had to be a handmade stocking, and the other 11 small gifts would be numbered and be able to fit in the stocking. Most of the gifts do. We were also meant to start this on December 1, but last night we decided to open the stockings - those boxes of wrapped goodies were to tempting.
The top stocking is the one I made my sister, from Jingle fabrics by Ann Kelle. The beautiful red and white stocking is the one my sister made me. Funnily enough, unbeknown to each of us, we both used the same stocking tutorial from Imagine Gnats.
So the next few days will be very exciting as we get to open some special little gifts from each other.
What do you do with your family in the lead up to Christmas?