Monday 4 December 2023

Kismet Kiss - A Finished Quilt


Photo from

Yay - I'm so pleased I managed to finish a quilt this year.

I started my Kismet Kiss quilt back in April 2021 and as usual, with my quilts, it has been a slow process. 

Originally I had planned a totally random scrappy quilt, but decided to make it a little more cohesive using colours from a  beautiful floral arrangement as my colour palette.  I think I managed to work within the restrictions quite well. 

The English paper pieced blocks (EPP) were supposed to number about 48, but I got sick of doing them and stopped at 25.  These were all pieced together in January this year .   Borders from Kaffe Fasset fabrics were added to make the quilt a useable size, and a multi fabric pieced backing in colours similar to those I used used in the quilt front was made.  I decided to hand quilt it using a deep purple perle thread, my stitches are definitely not even, but really no one will be looking that closely ( hope)  and I do think that finished is better than perfect. 

The binding is an orange grunge fabric with colours found in the quilt too.

I am really happy with how this quilt has turned out, and as yet haven't decided if it will be a keeper or gift.


  1. It looks great Julie and you’ve captured the colours of the flowers beautifully. Such a dramatic quilt

  2. The quilting results in a lovely soft and drapey quilt! Congratulations on your wonderful quilt finish!

  3. that is one good thing about most quilts if you tire of them you can make them smaller - sometimes you need to make a couple extra blocks to do that but it does get done faster. Your quilt looks great

  4. That turned out completely beautiful! I laughed when you said you got “sick of doing them” and stopped making the paper-pieced blocks. I’m at that point with the star blocks I’m making. The quilt is in time-out while I figure out how I can finish with what I have. Love that about crafting: the improvisation and brainstorming solutions.

  5. Didn’t mean to be anonymous with the prior post: just forgot to add my name! 😂

  6. A beautiful quilt Julie, and all your hand quilting makes it extra special. And your binding choice is perfect👍

  7. It's lovely. The pink and red stars really pop.


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