Sunday, 16 February 2014


I have felt a bit out of sorts this weekend.  I think it is because tomorrow I start work, after 12 years out of the work force it will be a big adjustment.  That rush in the mornings to get children off to school, to get washing hung out, remembering to get meat out of the freezer to defrost, that time spent sitting in the car waiting for the traffic to move. So this weekend has been largely spent catching up on housework, meal planning and baking for the week ahead.   There has also been:

  • the making of  lemon and passionfruit curd, using up more of those lemons and now the passionfruit which are dropping of their vines.
  • a little time out for me - finishing off Anna Quindlen's, Still Life with Breadcrumbs and starting The Gravity of Birds, by Tracey Guzeman.  These  books would be two of my best reads this year.
  • some playing on my sewing machine - a couple more envelopes for my swap partners.  I really should look at assembling my Jacob's Ladder quilt top, but it is too hot to be wrestling with all that fabric at present.
I may not blog as frequently over the next month, but hopefully once all my training is completed, I will be able to get back to cooking, sewing, getting my vegetable garden started for winter, reading and commenting on all your blogs.

Have a fabulous week everyone.


  1. Good luck for tomorrow Julie - it will be great! Change is always hard but when we learn to accept it and make the most the opportunities - then we become better people. Think of all the books! Enjoy. :-)

  2. Good luck with the new job tomorrow.

  3. Oh best of luck to you! I hope the transition is smooth and that soon enough you can get back to all of your making! Beautiful happenings by you! Nicole

  4. You must have quite a big garden? Hope everythings goes well tomorrow, you sound v. organised (& speaking from experience, that's a good way to cope!!!) Yes it's a huge adjustment, but I'm sure you will love it!!! Linda

  5. i hope you have a good day tomorrow and a smooth transition for you!! sounds like you are all organized at home which will put you ahead for the week!!!

  6. All the best for tomorrow Julie! What are you going to be doing in your new job?

  7. Good luck with your new job, Julie!

  8. Good luck with your new job!! I just stumbled upon your blog...the lemon and passion fruit curd looks so refreshing! The birds and envelopes are really so creative and springy!! Did you make the birds?? I love them!!!

  9. Hi Julie and thanks for commenting on my blog. It is always a little jolt of pleasure to make a new connection with New Zealand! Going back into the world of work is quite a challenge. I remember going for my first interview when my children went to school and feeling quite naked and odd without the buggy in front of me! Hope it goes well. There are gains and losses but mostly I think the gains win out. x


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