Wednesday 22 November 2017

Sew, Stitch, Snap, SHARE

I finally got around to getting back to that Liberty cushion/pillow I was making.  I quilted it with a variegated thread, and an organic crosshatch - using masking tape as my guide lines.  None of my marking pens showed up on the fabric. I based this pillow on the measurements for the Kansas Dugout pillow in Jen Kingwell's book Quilt Lovely.

That's my pillow  front done, now onto the one I made the one for The Scout. Originally I gad a plan for his, that wasn't going to involve too much Liberty (can't waste that on a male), however a slight miscalculation in my pattern measurements meant that I went improv for his.  Made mainly out of linens, a little Liberty and some shot cottons which I pin tucked, but don't really show up in the photos.  This pillow top has lots of texture and I think is well suited to a male.

Both will co-ordinate with my room, add a little colour, but definitely won't be matchy machy.  I just need to get some zips, and hopefully have new pillows made before Christmas.

It's your turn to share now.  It doesn't matter if it's embroidery, a quilt, applique or epp, or some other stitched or sewn project.  It can be a start, a finish or just a wip.  All we ask is that you follow these guidelines when linking up:
  • Link up any post from the past week that features  a sewing or stitching project you have been working on.
  • Somewhere in your post, please link to this one.
  • Also please take the time to read and comment on some of the other linked posts, it is always nice to know that people are reading what you have written, and we are trying to encourage people to keep blogging and reading blogs.
Thanks  for joining us.
Julie and Linda


    1. Great quilting! Love the one for The Scout - perfectly masculine.

    2. The 'His' and 'Her's' cushions are looking rather snazzy!

    3. Masking tape comes so handy! Great pillow there.

    4. Your cushions are lovely Julie! No stitching here this week unless you want to see those holding my finger together! 😄

    5. Can 't beat straight line quilting IMHO - you've come up with a fabulous design!

    6. I was wondering about the tapes. Great idea! Both pillows are looking wonderful!


    7. Tape is a superb marking tool! Your fabrics are really pretty together.


    Your comments are always read and very much appreciated. I will always endeavour to reply by email unless you happen to be a no-reply blogger. Thank you.