Friday 3 November 2017

Auckland Festival of Quilts

I spent the day at the Auckland Festival of Quilts.  This is an annual event showcasing beautiful quilts of all sorts of styles, there were also retailers and workshops.

I met up with Linda and Raewyn and we walked around admiring and commenting on the quilts of many talented makers and friends.   I also caught up with  Wendy and Anne, out of town blogger friends too.  Of course a little shopping for upcoming projects was done also.

Pictured are some of the fabulous quilts and details from them,  that caught my eye.

Ode to New York by Hazel Foote

Instastitch by Fiona Mendel

Graceful Beginnings by Tracey Roberts

Victoria by Anne Joule

Postcards from Sweden by Samantha Scott

Round and Round by Shirley Sparks.  I loved all the texture in this quilt.

My Around the Corner Quilt by Rebecca Bishop

Snapshots of Tents of Armageddon by Cheryl Houston

Untitled by Mary Hawke

Dandelion Wishes by Margaret Reid

7 Pigeons came to Lunch by Gaylene Davies

Rubik's Cube by Chizuko Hoy, made from recycled and dyed woolen blankets

AMH Stash Log Cabin Quilt by Shelley Pathak

Sea Hare, Land Hare, Gobal Catastrophe by Robyn Rognstad
Mathew's Gaming Geek Quilt by Karen Lee - recycled Tshirts and shirts.  Inspiration for Mr J's next quilt.

My purchases of the day.


  1. A great place to meet up with like minded friends, I am looking forward to going on Sunday. Looks like some very beautiful and interesting quilts.

  2. so many pretty quilts - thanks for sharing! I bet it was nice to meet up with friends

  3. They are amazing and I had a giggle at finding a friend's (amazing) quilt pictured. In exam study, so holed up at home.

  4. Beautiful colors.
    My favorite is 'Seven Pigeons Came to Lunch' lovely stitching and color.

  5. Looks like you had a great day! I should have loved to met up but was out this year, maybe next!!

  6. I love Dandelion Wishes! That was the original name of my blog and I've always loved dandelions, every since we blew the seeds off them as children!

  7. My favorite is Graceful Beginnings. My boys would love the Gaming Geek!! How fun.

  8. Lovely to see your photos which are quite different to the ones I posted about. A great show wasn't it!

  9. What wonderful quilts you've shared with us - thank you! Truly extraordinary work. I think you did really well with your purchases - just the right amount, lol!

  10. Thanks for sharing your pics. I love the colours in Hazel Foote's piece.The amount of work to make 7 pigeons is amazing.

  11. Really beautiful quilts! Seven pigeons is stunning, piece of art!


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