Wednesday 25 October 2017

Sew, Stitch, Snap, SHARE

I've been busy!!

I cleaned up my sewing room on Saturday, which meant that I felt inspired to sew. Because I had room on my cutting table for pressing a lot of seams, and laying out strips of blocks, and pinning strips of blocks to quilt halves, a lot more sewing was done.  Which then leads to my big show off moment - I have finished my AMH quilt - well make that the quilt top. It measures approximately 60" square.

This has to be the fastest quilt top I have ever completed.  It was such an easy block, yet it looks so effective, and I guess you could make them any size you like.  Measurements for my block were:

1 x  5" square, and then two strips of solid 1 x 5"x 1.5" and  1 x 6" x 1.5".

This will be carefully put away for now, and the more subdued Seaglass Sampler Quilt pulled out and worked on,  I'm aiming to get this turned into a completed quilt top by the end of the year.

It's your turn to share now.  It doesn't matter if it's embroidery, a quilt, applique or epp, or some other stitched or sewn project.  It can be a start, a finish or just a wip.  All we ask is that you follow these guidelines when linking up:
  • Link up any post from the past week that features  a sewing or stitching project you have been working on.
  • Somewhere in your post, please link to this one.
  • Also please take the time to read and comment on some of the other linked posts, it is always nice to know that people are reading what you have written, and we are trying to encourage people to keep blogging and reading blogs.
Thanks  for joining us.
Julie and Linda


  1. what pretty bright prints you have - I think I spot some that I have used and probably still have scraps from!

  2. Looks lovely Julie! Such a great way to use those pretty prints.

  3. Great finish! It's nice to have a quickish project to keep the juices flowing.

  4. Your AMH quilt top is beautiful Julie! Are you thinking of hand quilting it? And there is a lot to be said for a tidy sewing room!

  5. I love bright Quilts and yours is beautiful! Great way to show off some lovely fabrics.

  6. Your quilt is just gorgeous! It may be simple, but the colors are just perfection.:)

  7. This quilt is stunning, I love the bright colours. x

  8. What a beautiful happy quilt! And I'm impressed that you have such a unique treasure in your sewing room...a clear horizontal surface.

  9. Love your cutting table. A wonderful quilt top made of happy colours. Well Done!!


  10. Great colours. Maybe getting all the waiting ironing out of my sewing room will make me feel inspired to sew!

  11. Beautiful Julie! The solids make the AMH fabrics pop.

  12. What a bright, fun quilt, Julie. No doubt a joy to work with and a joy to behold.

  13. It's nice to see your sewing room :) looks cozy place! Love your quilt top too.


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